Recent Storm Damage Posts

How to Prepare Your Commercial Property for Hurricane Season

7/12/2024 (Permalink)

Team Shaw trucks outside the warehouse Team Shaw trucks outside the warehouse

Hurricane season can bring significant risks to commercial properties. Preparing your building in advance can minimize damage and ensure the safety of your tenants and employees. Here are some essential steps to get your property hurricane-ready.

Conduct a Risk Assessment

  1. Identify Vulnerabilities: Evaluate your property for areas susceptible to wind, water, and debris damage. Focus on windows, doors, roofs, and landscaping.
  2. Review Past Storms: Analyze how previous storms affected your property to identify recurring weak points.

Develop an Emergency Plan

  1. Create a Response Team: Designate a team responsible for executing your hurricane preparedness plan.
  2. Outline Evacuation Routes: Clearly mark evacuation routes and ensure all occupants are familiar with them.
  3. Stock Emergency Supplies: Maintain a supply of essentials such as water, food, first-aid kits, flashlights, and batteries.

Secure Your Building

  1. Install Storm Shutters: Use storm shutters or plywood to protect windows and glass doors.
  2. Reinforce Doors and Roofs: Ensure doors and roofs are secure and can withstand high winds.
  3. Clear the Grounds: Remove loose debris and trim trees and shrubs to prevent damage from flying objects.

Protect Your Data

  1. Backup Important Files: Regularly back up critical data and store copies off-site or in the cloud.
  2. Use Surge Protectors: Protect electronic equipment with surge protectors to prevent damage from power surges.

Communicate with Tenants and Employees

  1. Distribute the Plan: Share your emergency plan with all tenants and employees, ensuring everyone knows their roles.
  2. Set Up a Communication System: Establish a system for communicating updates before, during, and after the storm.

Coordinate with Service Providers

  1. Review Insurance Policies: Ensure your insurance coverage is adequate and understand the claims process.
  2. Partner with Restoration Services: Establish relationships with restoration companies for immediate post-storm assistance.

Post-Storm Actions

  1. Conduct Inspections: After the storm, inspect your property for damage and document it for insurance claims.
  2. Prioritize Repairs: Address the most critical repairs first to ensure safety and functionality.


Preparing your commercial property for hurricane season is essential for minimizing damage and ensuring the safety of occupants. By conducting a risk assessment, developing an emergency plan, securing your building, protecting your data, and coordinating with service providers, you can significantly reduce the impact of hurricanes on your property. Stay proactive and keep your property hurricane-ready.

SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co. explains the steps to restoring a flooded property

12/14/2022 (Permalink)

Blog Summary: SERVPRO® of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co. explains the steps to restore a flooded home or business.

A flood is one of the most disastrous and upsetting things that can happen to your property. Your home or business can be flooded due to extreme weather conditions or interior issues like plumbing leaks.

No matter the source of the water, there are things you can do to safeguard your family, avoid health risks, and prevent as much damage as you can.

The experts at SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co., a leading seasonal hazards and restoration company in Roanoke, TX,  have outlined five ways to handle water damage caused by a flood.

1. Put safety first

A flood is an emergency, and your first action should be to ensure your safety and that of your family or employees. Gather every occupant of the building, including pets, and take them to a safe space. It can be within or around the property, in a nearby building, or outside, higher than the floodwaters.

Depending on the flood level, you may need to close your business for some days while the restoration is ongoing to protect your employees. As a homeowner, consider taking your family to a neighbor's or relative's home or a hotel.

2. Contact your insurance provider

Quickly call your insurance provider to inform them about the flood incident and get feedback on the steps to take.

The insurance company will send an adjuster to inspect and evaluate the damage and decide whether it is a covered loss. Some may even refer you to a restoration company they work with.

Since water damage is time-sensitive, you need to take pictures of the damage as proof.

3. Protect yourself

You may need to go inside the water to get important objects or start the restoration. However, it's essential to protect yourself from all of the risks the flood can bring. First, you need to turn off the electricity in the building. Water and electricity are incompatible. If the water touches any socket or electric connection, it can lead to electrocution.

Wear safety gear like rubber boots and gloves. These are essential, especially when dealing with storm damage or sewage backup. The gears will protect you from any bacteria in the water.

4. Clear out standing water and dry the property

You'll need an industrial pump to clear the flood water from your property. So, it's best to leave the restoration process to specialists like SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co. They have the tools and experience to clear the water from the property quickly.

Once you've cleared the place, the next step is drying the affected areas. Restoration specialists use tools like fans, blowers, and dehumidifiers for this. They also use moisture sensors to find hidden or missed moisture spots.

5. Check for mold, disinfect and deodorize

Mold can grow if water damage is left unattended for up to 24 hours. So, it is important to check for mold growth during and after the cleaning. The specialist will remove any mold found and sterilize water-damaged areas to prevent mold and kill bacteria.

They may also deodorize the space to improve the air quality around it.

Get professional flood damage restoration in Roanoke, TX

Is your Roanoke property flooded? SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co. is the company to call. They are a full-service water damage restoration company with a team of trained experts who are available 24/7 to help you restore your property in the event of a water damage incident.

They will come to your place with state-of-the-art tools and clear out any standing water, dry up, check for mold growth, and disinfect and deodorize affected areas.

Call SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co. at (817) 595-2506 for seasonal hazards and restoration needs.

SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co outlines five common causes of water damage in Southlake, TX

11/24/2022 (Permalink)

Blog summary: Every property is at risk of water damage. SERVPRO® of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co outlines five common causes of water damage incidents in homes and businesses in Southlake, TX.

With the weather in Southlake, consisting of heavy rainfall and powerful storms, there's always the risk of flood damage to your property. Your property is also at risk of water damage from internal sources like appliances and pipe leaks.

One effective way to protect yourself is to learn about the causes of water damage to prevent them. To help with this, the team at SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co has outlined these common causes of water damage in Southlake.

1. Plumbing system leakages

Plumbing system leaks are one of the most common reasons for water damage, usually due to pipe corrosion. Other causes of plumbing water leaks include high water pressure, soaring temperatures, faulty pipe joints, and broken water connectors.

Plumbing leaks can be minimized by keeping an eye out for leaks in even the most hidden locations and calling a water damage restoration specialist once you notice any incidents.

2. Gutter obstruction

The gutter system on your property is designed to direct rainwater away from the structure. But over time, leaves, branches, and other debris can clog it.

When that happens, rainwater won't be able to exit your property as it should and will instead overflow the gutter's sides, run down the side of the property, and damage the ceiling, walls, and floors.

3. Appliances

Your property's water appliances, like old water heaters and malfunctioning washers, can all cause water damage. For instance, the water supply lines for washing machines are constantly under pressure. So, when it weakens and isn't replaced on time, it can leak, which could flood the whole place.

To help minimize appliance water damage, you'll need to replace old or malfunctioning appliances and periodically inspect and change the water line hoses.

4. Sewage backups

You should be highly cautious about septic backups if you have a septic tank. Septic backups happen when the tank overflows due to heavy rain or when it fills up. 

The organic material in the septic tank or sewage lines then backs up into your house through the drains.

Sewage backup can also happen when connected to the community sewage lines.

Call a water damage restoration professional like SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co as soon as possible if this happens to ensure that they handle the situation and restore your property to a habitable state.

5. Problematic weather conditions

Unfavorable weather conditions can also cause significant water damage to your property. These weather conditions could include anything from heavy snowfall to heavy rainfall that results in flooding.

As a property owner, there isn't much you can do about bad weather besides taking the necessary steps to reduce the risks of water damage. Therefore, if you anticipate heavy rainfall, inspect your downspouts, gutters, and outdoor drainage to ensure they are clear.

Get professional water damage restoration services in Southlake, TX.

You can rely on SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co to repair any water damage, no matter what caused it! Their team of certified water damage specialists will clear out the water, dry it out, and return your Southlake home or business to its preloss state.

They have specialized tools and extensive experience handling several restoration projects, including flood damage restoration. So, you can rest assured they'll deliver exceptional results whenever you hire them for water damage restoration.

Are you ready to get started? Contact SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co at (817) 595-2506 to learn how they can help.

SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co. outlines six simple steps to flood damage restoration.

10/15/2022 (Permalink)

Blog Summary: SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co. outlines six flood restoration tips for homeowners and businesses.

A flooded property can make life a little bit uncomfortable for you. But that is not the time to sit and sulk. You need to act fast to mitigate the damage. Whether the flood was caused by a burst pipe, roof leak, or a terrible storm, don’t delay the restoration process.

SERVPRO® of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co. is a full-service flood damage restoration/ storm damage restoration company in Grapevine. They have a team of experienced water damage restoration specialists who handle residential and commercial spaces. Their team outlined the following tips for flood damage restoration.

1. Call for help

Although flood damage restoration/ storm damage restoration may seem easy, it involves a lot of work and is best left to an experienced technician. Call a professional water damage restoration company like SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co. immediately if your property is flooded. They have the requisite equipment and experience to undertake damage of any size.

They’ll take the work off your hands, so you don’t put yourself in harm’s way trying to clean up the flooded space. 

2. Security first

Your security and that of your family or employees should be of the utmost concern in the event of a flood. It’s essential to first get everyone in the house out to safety and wait until help arrives.

If you must enter your flooded property to document the damage, ensure you're wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment before you do so.

Remember that floodwater might carry pathogens like E. coli and Salmonella. Waterproof boots and rubber gloves are the most vital pieces of personal protective equipment you should wear in a flooded property. Turning off the electricity before entering the house is essential to prevent electrocution.

3. Call your insurance provider

If you have property insurance, it's crucial to call your insurance provider to inform them of the water damage and seek their go-ahead before you begin the flood damage restoration/storm damage restoration process.

Ensure to cover everything that’s damaged, as your insurer will send an adjuster in to inspect the damage, and those photos or videos will be your evidence.

4. Remove wet items from the water

The more your belongings, like furniture, appliances, rugs, and others, remain in the flood, the more damage will occur. So, consider getting your affected belongings and those unaffected by the flooded area. Throw away food or any water-damaged item that can’t be salvaged.

5. Clear the standing water

While it’s not advisable, the next step is to clear out any standing water if you want to do the water damage restoration yourself. Depending on the flood level, you’ll need mobs, buckets, rags, sponges, and even a pumping machine.

Ensure you are wearing your safety gear throughout the whole process. Pump out the water or use a bucket or rag to clear it out gradually.

6. Dry and disinfect

Once you’ve successfully removed the standing water, the next step is to start drying your property structures and belongings. Professional flood damage restoration/ storm damage restoration companies use industrial dryers, dehumidifiers, and other equipment to properly dry up flooded properties. 

They’ll also disinfect and sterilize affected areas to prevent mold growth and deodorize your space to improve the smell.

About SERVPRO® of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co

Do you need help restoring your flooded property? Call the experienced flood damage restoration technicians at SERVPRO® of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co. They are a professional flood damage restoration/ storm damage restoration company in Grapevine with the equipment and experience to quickly get your property to a habitable state and restore affected belongings.

Contact SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co. at (817) 595-2506 to request their services.

SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co outlines the benefits of professional flood restoration services

8/24/2022 (Permalink)

Blog summary: is your property flooded? Here’s how SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co can help restore it.

If your Keller home or business is flooded due to a storm, pipe burst, or sewage backup, it’s essential to act fast to prevent further damage. This is where flood restoration services provided by companies like SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co can help.

SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co specializes in handling flood damage and emergency disaster cleanup. They have a team of trained technicians that are trained and equipped to take on any level of flood damage and get your property back to shape in no time.

Their team will come to your home immediately after you call, drain the water, dry, humidify, and salvage your belongings. They will also remove mold and deodorize your home to make it habitable.

Here are the benefits of hiring a professional flood damage restoration company like SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co. 

1. Safety 

The well-being of your family is of the utmost importance. Flood water contains numerous germs and other dangerous creatures that can risk your family's safety.

Contaminated water also increases the likelihood of mold and mildew in your home. 

Hiring a professional water damage restoration company like SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co safeguards you and your family, as you won’t need to face the floodwater yourself. Their restoration technicians are trained, equipped, and experienced at getting the water out of your property.

2. Faster restoration

Time is everything when dealing with water damage like flooding. Your property is at risk every minute the water is left unattended, which will only worsen. Mold can start to grow in affected areas within 24 hours. So it’s essential to get the water out and do it quickly.

Call in water damage restoration services once you see the damage. A reputable company would have the tools, knowledge, and skills needed to clean, fix, and restore your home swiftly and effectively.

Water damage professionals are faster at restoring your property to its pre-flood condition than you since they have handled many water damage repairs. They can also eliminate dangerous elements like mold and other environmental hazards.

3. To ensure a thorough cleanup

Restoration professionals know where to search for water pooling and concealed damage. They can swiftly ascertain whether there has been water damage to walls, carpeting, flooring, and appliances and have the right equipment and knowledge to ensure that flooded areas are properly dried.

They can also provide the heavy machinery, like pumps, needed if the standing water level is high.

4. Assist with your insurance claims

Anyone who has attempted to navigate the insurance procedure following a disaster at their house knows how difficult and unpleasant it can be. A flood damage restoration company can also manage the claims procedure and can liaise with your insurer.

They can analyze the water damage and record your losses to ensure that you receive the appropriate amount of compensation. 

5. Quick mold removal

Mold growth is one of water damage's most significant unaddressed risks. It can be too risky and toxic for you to handle mold on your own. Mold removal can be done swiftly and safely by a reputable water damage restoration company using the most up-to-date equipment and methods. They'll also suggest ways to stop mold from growing again.

Get Professional Flood Damage Restoration in Keller

SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co will be at your Keller property in 60 minutes or less, and they provide free estimates and examinations of the damage. They can meticulously record all damage, evaluate required repairs thoroughly, and bill your insurance carrier directly, so you don't have to.

Their flood restoration services are available 24 hours a day to help you handle your water emergencies.

Call SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co at (817) 595-2506 to get started.

SERVPRO: Are you prepared for the storm season yet?

6/17/2022 (Permalink)

Blog summary: The SERVPRO blog recommends some storm safety tips to follow during this summer season.

8 tips to stay safe in this storm season

Every year, the country experiences various storms across the summer season. The 2022 Atlantic hurricane season is predicted to pick up in late summer and early autumn. According to AccuWeather Hurricane, about 16 to 20 known storms are forecast to develop this year with multiple US impacts predicted. Each year, for instance, just thunderstorms cause about $15 billion in property damage. As always, being prepared is the best way to face the storms. SERVPRO, a storm damage restoration company, lists some precautions that homeowners can take to protect their homes and families.

  1. Create a well-stocked first aid kit: In any unpredictable disaster situation, the most important thing is a medical kit that must include bandages, painkillers, antiseptic, tweezers, and scissors.
  2. Inspect and clean the gutters: When the storm arrives and the flood follows, a gutter blocked with leaves and other debris can cause major water back up and cause the floodwater to pool around the house perimeter and the roof. This water will eventually seep into the basement as well as leak through the roof inside the house. 
  3. Power backup: Storms usually knock out the power and leave the residents in discomfort. But having a backup generator, flashlights, a battery- or solar-powered cell phone charger, and a battery-operated radio can prove to be life savers.
  4. Review evacuation plan with family: Every household should be aware of the first steps to take when the storm arrives such as a safe shelter. Staying updated about the latest storm developments on weather channels and other alert systems is necessary to ensure timely action. 
  5. Store water and non-perishable food: When the power goes, the water supply may stop as well. So storing water can ensure that there is enough to drink and use. Store non-perishable food for emergencies in case the occupants are stranded and help is far. 
  6. Install storm windows: One of the dangers of high-speed winds during hurricanes is the windows shattering and causing injury. This can be prevented by reinforcing the windows with wooden boards and/or installing hurricane windows. Hurricane windows bend in heavy winds without shattering due to the multiple layers of laminate PVB in them. This measure will not only protect the occupants from flying debris but also keep the house dry.
  7. Inspect and trim the trees: The strong storm winds can knock down the trees or their branches over the house causing severe damage. Homeowners can hire a certified arborist to trim the trees and shrubs, especially from around the HVAC’s outdoor unit and the windows to prevent damage. 
  8. Secure outdoor furniture: The hurricane wind can send outdoor objects such as furniture and other smaller items flying and causing damage. By bolting these items or moving them indoors, these potentially dangerous projectiles can be stopped. 

Besides these storm safety tips, it is advised to regularly maintain the house, especially the roof to enable the house to stand strong in the face of the storm. Also, check the insurance policy to see that it covers flood damage if it doesn't already.


Established in 1967, SERVPRO is a renowned and trusted brand that uses state-of-the-art equipment and the most updated technologies to restore properties to their preloss state. With over 19,00, strategically-located franchises across US and Canada, SERVPRO offers 24x7 emergency support to its clients anywhere, anytime. SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County’s highly trained technicians serve clients in Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, and surrounding areas efficiently and swiftly. Always striving to maintain stellar customer service, SERVPRO constantly invests in upgrading their  IICRC-certified technicians’ skills at the corporate training facility. 

For storm damage restoration services, call Team Shaw of SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County today at (817) 595-2506 or e-mail at

Prevent basement flooding with these simple precautions suggested by SERVPRO

4/16/2022 (Permalink)

Blog summary: The SERVPRO blog explains how homeowners can protect their basement from flooding and water damage.

Top tips to prevent basement flooding in homes

According to industry estimates, 14,000 people in the US experience a water damage emergency at home or work each day, and 98% of basements in the US suffer from some or the other type of water damage during their lifetime. The average cost involved with basement flooding, damage repair, and cleanup fall between $3,000 and $5,000, sometimes more depending on the severity of the incident. The best practice is to proactively take measures to prevent or mitigate the potential water damage that a flooded basement may cause. SERVPRO shares some of these measures below in the blog. 

  1. Inspect the roof gutters

Natural debris such as twigs, acorns, and leaves during spring and autumn often collect to block gutters. During rains, the water fails to get drained as the gutters are blocked by this debris. As a result, the water pools around the property’s perimeter and siding, eventually draining into the basement. This further leads to cracks and mold in the foundation that can escalate into big restoration costs. Clearing the gutters is the first step towards preventing basement flooding.

  1. Clean the downspouts

The natural debris can jam a downspout and push water through seams or back water up to the top. Inserting a long water hose with a high-pressure nozzle into the downspout from the roofline and forcing the water to push debris all the way through can help clear the downspouts.

  • The downspout should ideally drain the water at least 6 to 12 feet away from the home foundations. 
  • A metal downspout extension is more durable than the plastic ones and less prone to breakage.
  • Install underground PVC drain pipes to direct water to the front or back yards, without flooding the neighbors’ basements.
  • Connect the downspout to a dry well with a drainage pipe buried in a trench and packed in stone. The pipe runs at a gradual downward pitch of at least 15 feet or more from the downspout until it reaches a bubbler pot, where the water percolates into the hardpan clay soil. From here, the water will migrate away from your house.
  1. Grade the ground

Grading is a crucial measure to prevent basement flooding. It can be done by following one or all of the given methods:

  • A lawn that slopes downward away from the house at 1-inch per foot for 10 feet protects the basement from water backups.
  • Installing French drains is another method to prevent water from leaking into the basement. 
  • Creating a dry creek around the house and splicing the lawn in a specific way can direct all excess water into the creek. 
  • Building a porous pavement around the house can help absorb rainwater and thawing snow.
  1. Dehumidify

Basements are prone to dampness and mold due to their proximity to the earth and the inadequate ventilation. A 24x7 dehumidifier, especially during the humid months of April through October, can dry the condensation that appears on the foundation walls in summer. This is, however, not a permanent solution because by drying the basement the moisture is drawn into the basement more rapidly causing efflorescence and spalling of concrete and further damage to interior finishes. 

  1. Repair foundation cracks

Concrete foundations in new homes often settle leading to minor, vertical cracks, which is expected. Hydraulic cement works great for patching holes in a foundation because it can be set up even underwater, and it expands as it sets to seal the hole and lock the plug in place. Homeowners can seal hairline faults with an epoxy sealant or polyurethane foam injection but persistent cracks must be addressed by a professional contractor.

  1. Test the sump pump

Sump pumps are lifesavers in the event of flooding caused by storms. By ensuring that the sump pump is well-maintained home, powered by a 120-volt backup battery and a check valve, homeowners can handle the flooding even during power outages that are common after storms. Notably, the pump should drain outside and far away from the home perimeter to prevent pooling and water backup.

  1. Install window well covers

Homeowners must select a basement window well cover made from strong acrylic plastic that’s both durable and backed by a guarantee. Installing a custom basement window can help prevent water pooling in the well after heavy rainfall. This cover should be securely fastened to the concrete foundation to prevent the water from seeping in from the sides. It is also important to install the right window well size in the right way besides ensuring adequate drainage. 


Faster to Any Size Emergency

No matter where and how big the disaster is, SERVPRO offers storm damage restoration services across 1,700 US and Canadian franchise locations swiftly. The vast network of resources available to SERVPRO enables it to act immediately and efficiently. A 24X7 emergency response gives SERVPRO the ability to arrest any disaster quickly and save huge amounts of money, time, and energy. 

Advanced Technology 

SERVPRO is a flood restoration company that uses state-of-the-art equipment to bring the damaged property back to its original state. SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant County is always updating its fleet and equipment so clients in Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, or anywhere else can quickly access the services. 

Certified Professionals

The SERVPRO staff is highly trained in the water damage restoration process and other restoration services. They receive initial in-house training and constant skill up-gradation at the corporate training facility and also acquire the regular IICRC-industry certification.

For flood restoration services, contact Team Shaw of SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant County at (817) 595-2506 or e-mail at

SERVPRO classifies the types of floods that can lead to property damage

3/16/2022 (Permalink)

Blog summary: The SERVPRO blog talks about the various types of floods and their impact.

Storm damage restoration services in Grapevine

A natural disaster can disrupt lives significantly. When the storm season arrives, floods are a given. But floods may be caused by reasons other than a natural disaster. It is important to be educated about the various types of floods and their impact on property and lives. This enables adequate preparation to prevent or mitigate flood damage. SERVPRO, one of the top storm damage repair services in Grapevine/NE Tarrant County, deep dives into the various types of floods and their associated risks.

  1. Flash floods

6 hours of heavy rainfall can cause the rapidly moving water to rise and cause severe property damage. Unpredictable and dangerous, these flash floods can sweep across a relatively small area and leave no time to evacuate or prepare. 

Usually caused by severe weather events such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tropical storms, flash floods can also be caused by a dam or levee breaking or a mudslide. These swift-moving waters can trigger mudslides, damage bridges, uproot trees, or mobilize heavy objects such as trucks and boulders. Homes and commercial properties can suffer heavy structural damage, foundation damage, damages to appliances, followed by mold infestation.

The impermeability of the soil makes urban areas more susceptible to flash floods compared to suburban or rural areas. Moreover, the areas near floodplains and with blocked drainage are also very prone to flash floods.

??2. Coastal floods

High winds, tides, heavy rainfall, or storm surges that move towards the coast during high tide cause the sea levels to rise. Thereafter, powerful waves breach the coast’s dune or dike, causing coastal floods. Fewer defenses and lower elevations make certain coastal areas more prone to these floods.

Some of the risks of coastal flooding are drownings, injuries, sickness due to exposure to contaminated water and mold growth, and other health problems. Residents must be aware of the different levels of coastal flooding and the dangers they pose:

  • Minor: Low likelihood of property damage and not directly life-threatening
  • Moderate: Elevated likelihood of property damage and possibly life-threatening
  • Major: Significant likelihood of property damage and seriously life-threatening
  1. Fluvial floods (river floods)

When the water overflows across the riverbanks due to natural disasters such as extreme rainfall from tropical storm systems, long-lasting thunderstorms, combined rainfall and snowmelt, and ice jams, fluvial or river floods occur. This type of flood is much more predictable, allowing sufficient evacuation time and mitigation of economic losses.

????4. Urban floods

Often the city or town drainage system fails to absorb the water from heavy rain and/or there is an evident lack of natural drainage in an urban area. This leads to urban or groundwater floods wherein the excess water overflows from the drainage system, spilling out into the streets. This not only makes driving hazardous but also causes significant structural damage to buildings. In case, the sewage pipes are infiltrated by this water, widespread contamination becomes a massive threat to health.

??5. Pluvial floods

Flat terrains in rural areas cannot absorb rainwater and make puddles and ponds instead. This excess standing water can seriously jeopardize the agricultural activities and properties in the area.

  1. Sewage floods 

Flash floods or unexpected heavy rainfall can disrupt sewage systems or treatment plants. The overwhelmed sewage systems then break down and release untreated sewage into water bodies. The harmful bacteria and chemicals in this category 3 water damage can cause some serious health effects. This type of  storm damage must be addressed swiftly to help ensure mold growth does not occur. Swift action will also minimize exposure to contaminated water that can cause health related issues. 

The storm damage caused by these floods can only be mitigated by being aware and taking timely precautions. However, in cases of severe storm damage, residents and business owners must reach out to flood damage restoration services such as SERVPRO to help restore their properties back to their preloss conditions.


  • SERVPRO uses state-of-the-art equipment to bring the damaged property back to its original state. SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant County is always updating its fleet and equipment so clients in Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, or anywhere else can quickly access the services. 
  • With over 1,700 US and Canadian Franchise locations, SERVPRO is strategically positioned to respond faster to an emergency of any magnitude including storm damage, water damage, and mold remediation.
  • The SERVPRO staff is highly trained in storm damage restoration. They receive initial in-house training and constant skill up-gradation and also acquire the regular IICRC-industry certification.

For storm damage restoration services, contact Team Shaw of SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant County today at (817) 595-2506 or e-mail at

SERVPRO: Signs of damage that homeowners must watch out for after a storm

2/28/2022 (Permalink)

Blog summary: The SERVPRO blog highlights the signs of storm damage in homes that owners must watch out for and address immediately.

Signs of storm damage

A storm can disrupt lives and businesses and leave a long-lasting impact. One of the grave impacts of a storm is the damage caused to homes. SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County, a storm damage restoration company, shares some signs of storm damage in homes to watch out for.

After a storm passes, it’s important to give the entire exterior of a house a thorough inspection and look for the following signs of storm damage.

1. Roof Damage

Strong winds can throw around debris that can potentially damage the shingles on roofs. Spotting and repairing damaged shingles immediately is crucial to prevent further problems such as leaks, mold, and drafts.

The various signs of roof damage are:

  • Missing/broken asphalt shingles
  • Cracked or broken tile, slate, or concrete shingles
  • Pieces of the roof in the gutters
  • Leaks in the roof/ceiling
  • Dents in the gutters, boots, chimneys, vents, or flashing on the roof

When the force is high, the shingles can tear off, especially on older roofs. Without shingles, the roof sheathing or insulation underneath is exposed, increasing the risk of water seepage underneath the healthy shingles. Safely tarping it in case of rain can protect the house until more permanent restoration takes place. 

2. Exterior Damage

A storm accompanied by very high winds, hail, or heavy rain can seriously damage a home exterior. Owners must inspect the exteriors for the following signs of damage: 

  • Dents/holes in the siding
  • Torn/missing sections of siding
  • Exposed flashing or sheathing
  • Chipped siding
  • Discoloration/chipped paint

3. Window Damage

Most windows have reinforced glass to help protect the windows from storm damage. In a scenario where the windows do not have this extra layer of protection, there are high chances of window damage. Left unaddressed, damaged windows can expose a home to drafts, debris, and pests.

The usual signs of window damage are:

  • Damaged window frames
  • Broken glass
  • Shattered windows
  • Damage to storm pane or shutter

4. Visible Shingle Granule Loss

Dark spots on an asphalt shingle roof that look like holes or dents are a sign of granule loss. The small granules that cover the tar shingles can slough off from hail, making those spots susceptible to leaks. Homeowners can also inspect gutters and downspouts for granules. This happens when granules break off due to hail and flow into the gutters.

5. Water Damage

Water stains on ceilings are a sign of an obvious leak. After a storm, damaged shingles, ice dams, or even clogged gutters can lead to water stains. However, spotting these leaks is not always so easy. Homeowners can check for dark spots in the attic, which is a good indication of water damage

6. Large Debris on the Roof

Large sticks or branches on a roof or near the siding are a common sight after a storm. However, this debris makes it difficult to assess the damage and generally requires a close-up inspection to detect the extent of the damage. However, this must be done with care and completely avoided if it seems dangerous. 

7. Dents in the Siding

Siding made of aluminum or other soft materials can easily be dented by hailstones. Fixing this is quite easy but leaving it unaddressed for too long can put a house at the risk of water damage. This is because dents can loosen a siding or create small gaps or cracks in it that allow for water to seep in.  

8. Clogged or Broken Gutters

Clogged, broken, or overflowing gutters will drive the pooling water to go down the side of the house and under the shingles. This can cause damage to the fascia (the boards along the roof edge) and soffit (the underside of an eave).


  • SERVPRO uses state-of-the-art equipment to bring the damaged property back to its original state. SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County is constantly updating its fleet and equipment so clients in Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, or surrounding areas can quickly access the services. 
  • With over 1,700 US and Canadian Franchise locations, SERVPRO is strategically positioned to respond faster to an emergency of any magnitude.
  • The SERVPRO staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. They receive initial in-house training and constant skill up-gradation at the corporate training facility and a*lso acquire the regular IICRC-industry certification.

For storm damage restoration services, contact Team Shaw of SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County at (817) 595-2506 or e-mail at

Ten tips to prepare the house for the winters

11/16/2021 (Permalink)

Blog summary: The SERVPRO blog recommends certain steps homeowners can take to be ready for the winter season.

Preparing a home for winters

Winter is coming. It is time for homeowners to prepare their homes for the upcoming winter and storm season to ensure a cozy and comfortable home. SERVPRO, a flood restoration service, shares some tips on preparing a home for the winters and unexpected storms.

  1. Weatherstrip: Save energy by weather stripping the front door to prevent any heat loss and avoid escalated energy bills. A seal can be attached at the bottom of a door against the threshold to fill any gaps that can leak the heat. 
  1. Insulate the pipes: All exposed pipes should be insulated and protected from freezing temperatures or they can burst and lead to serious water damage. 
  1. Insulate the attic: At least six inches of good thermal attic insulation must be installed in the ceiling. The heat ducts must also be insulated as 25% of the heat can be lost before it reaches the vents.
  1. Roof: Inspect the Roof, Gable Vents, Chimney, Dormers, and Gutters. Missing shingles, broken chimney bricks, or poor seals around the chimney must be replaced. The gable vents must be secure and intact to prevent animals from getting in. Gutters should be cleared of all debris such as dried leaves to prevent backup of snow and the formation of dangerous ice dams. 

5. Drain sprinklers: It is advisable to remove any residual water in the outdoor sprinkler system so the water does not freeze to then expand and crack the pipes. Hiring an irrigation contractor to blow out the water using compressed air is the most effective way to manage this.

  1. HVAC: Before winter arrives is the best time to check the filters, sealants, and vent stacks for optimum functioning. Ideally, inspect the filter monthly, and replace it when it turns brown or black. The pleated version, which has more particle-trapping surface area than a flat filter, is very effective. A professional HVAC inspection and maintenance is the most convenient way to ensure the HVAC is in perfect condition when winters set in.  
  1. Electricals: Check all the electrical points in the property for adequate covers and hangers. A certified and licensed electrician must be employed to make any repairs and updates.
  1. Inspect trees: During a storm, dead or weak branches of a tree can fall to cause severe damage to property or lives. Homeowners must lookout for signs of dead branches such as dead leaves that remain attached after the rest of the tree has shed, many smooth areas that are missing bark, or spots where mushrooms have sprouted. Branches of trees can also rub against each other and cause damage. Homeowners can also call an arborist for an evaluation.
  1. Foundation and landscaping: Review landscaping and the areas around the foundation to make sure the property is free of debris. Check seals and insulation around basement entrances and all windows. Any cracks must be repaired immediately.
  1. Smart accessories: Investing in heavy fabric curtains can help lock in the heat at night. During the day the sunshine can naturally heat the house when the curtains are opened.


  • SERVPRO uses state-of-the-art equipment to bring the damaged property back to its original state. SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County is constantly updating its fleet and equipment so clients in Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, or surrounding areas can quickly access the services. 
  • With over 1,700 US and Canadian Franchise locations, SERVPRO is strategically positioned to respond faster to an emergency of any magnitude.
  • The SERVPRO staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. They receive initial in-house training and constant skill up-gradation at the corporate training facility and also acquire the regular IICRC-industry certification.

For storm damage restoration services, call SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County today at (817) 595-2506 or e-mail at

Facts about lightning that can save lives

10/20/2021 (Permalink)

Blog summary: The SERVPRO article dismantles certain myths about lightning and shares important facts.

Busting some lightning myths

Every year, lightning detection systems in the United States monitor an average of 25 million strokes of lightning from clouds to ground during almost 100,000 thunderstorms. SERVPRO busts some myths that surround lightning and sheds light on facts below.

What is lightning?

Lightning is a giant discharge of electricity accompanied by a brilliant flash of light and a loud crack of thunder. The spark can reach over five miles in length, raise the temperature of the air by as much as 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and contain a hundred million electrical volts.

During a thunderstorm, it's best to take shelter but in case a safe shelter is not available, knowing the difference between lightning myths and the facts could prove to be a lifesaver.

Myth #1 

Lightning never strikes twice in the same place

Fact: A tall, pointed object is a magnet for lightning. Therefore, lightning will often strike such a structure repeatedly. The Empire State Building is known to have been hit by lightning up to a dozen times during a single storm.

Myth #2 

Lightning only strikes the tallest objects

Fact: Even though lightning is attracted to tall objects such as skyscrapers, trees, and lightning poles, it can and does hit the ground, cars, and parking lots. Lightning can strike anywhere indiscriminately.  

Myth #3 

Being under a tree is safer than no shelter at all

Fact: Taking shelter under a tree is one of the biggest causes of lightning casualties. When lightning strikes a tree, the “ground charge” is likely to spread out from the tree in all directions. A tree during a lightning storm is bad news. 

Myth #4 

Far from rain or clouds, far from lightning

Fact: If thunder can be heard, lightning isn’t far. Lightning can strike more than three miles from the thunderstorm and beyond the rain or the thunderstorm cloud. Lightning has been known to strike areas as distant as 10 miles from its thunderstorm origins, where the skies seem blue and safe.

Myth #5 

Car rubber tires protect from lightning

Fact: It is not the rubber tires that offer protection during lightning in a car. It is the metal roof and sides that divert lightning. Therefore, convertibles, motorcycles, bikes, open-shelled outdoor recreation vehicles, and cars with plastic or fiberglass shells are sitting ducks for lightning disasters.

Myth #6 

Lie flat on the ground if caught in a storm outside

Fact: When lightning hits the ground, it spreads out potentially deadly electrical currents along the ground in all directions. Lying down offers more contact points for electrocution. 

Myth #7

A lightning victim can electrocute another person

Fact: It is absolutely safe to touch and offer first aid to a lightning victim since the human body doesn’t store electricity. 

Myth #8 

Wearing metal attracts lightning

Fact: It’s not the presence of metal that determines where lightning will strike. Factors such as the height, pointedness, and isolation of the object determine the lightning target. Having said that, being close to or touching a metal fence during a thunderstorm is unsafe as the electricity can be conducted across the fence and electrocute a person.  

Myth #9 

Shelter in a house will protect from lightning

Fact: A house is one of the safest shelters during a storm but one must take certain precautions inside a home as well to avoid being electrocuted. One must avoid any conducting path leading outside, such as electrical appliances, wires, TV cables, plumbing, metal doors, or metal window frames. Standing near windows must be avoided. The safest option is a professionally installed lightning protection system.


  • SERVPRO uses state-of-the-art equipment to bring the damaged property back to its original state. SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant County is constantly updating its fleet and equipment so clients in Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, or anywhere else can quickly access the services. 
  • With over 1,700 US and Canadian Franchise locations, SERVPRO is strategically positioned to respond faster to an emergency of any magnitude.
  • The SERVPRO staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. They receive initial in-house training and constant skill up-gradation at the corporate training facility and also acquire the regular IICRC-industry certification.

For storm damage restoration, call SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant County today at (817) 595-2506 or e-mail at

Flood Watch or Flood Warning?

10/12/2021 (Permalink)

With as much rain as we’ve can get here in Tarrant County, it’s important to know the difference between flood watches, and warnings, and advisories as well as the difference between a flash flood and a regular flood.

Let’s start off with a flash flood versus a regular flood. A flash flood occurs when there is heavy or excessive rainfall in a short amount of time – usually in less than six hours. Usually, these types of rains can overwhelm storm drains and rise quickly, causing raising torrents.

flood happens when water overflows the confines of a stream or river, or in low-lying areas onto normally dry land.

Now that we know the difference between the two types of flooding, let’s move on to the warning and watches.

flood warning means flooding is happening in your area, and you should immediately take action and move to higher ground or a higher level in your home.

If you’re under a flood watch, it’s just like a tornado or thunderstorm watch. It means that the conditions are favorable for flooding and we should be ready should flooding happens.

In a flash flood warning, you should react immediately, usually, there will be an alert that sounds off on your phone warning you of the flash flood. Flash floods happen quickly – usually within a matter of a few minutes to a few hours, which means you need to move to higher ground as quickly as possible. If you don’t see it, that does not mean it’s not there.

SERVPRO’s seven tips to stay safe once the storm is over

8/12/2021 (Permalink)

Blog summary: SERVPRO explains why homeowners should be cautious even after the storm is over. The blog shares several measures that people in hurricane-struck areas must follow.

Tips to stay safe after the storm has passed

A storm can be a devastating experience but the aftermath can be equally destructive. Even after the tumultuous winds have subsided, the torrential rains have ceased, and the lightning has died, the danger remains. There are unimaginably harmful situations that persist until the restoration work is not over, inside homes as well as outside. SERVPRO, a storm restoration service, shares several precautions to stay protected even after the storm is over.

  1. Avoid stagnant water

Standing water is a common phenomenon after the hurricane has passed. Flash flooding commonly accompanies a hurricane and can knock down power lines. This allows for electrical currents to pass through the ground and standing water. It is imperative to avoid wading or driving through stagnant water as it could be hiding a sinkhole trap or an electrocution threat. These puddles of standing water are also breeding grounds for bacteria and mosquitoes and may contain sharp objects that can be seriously harmful. 

  1. Switch off gas connection

Ideally, gas pipes should be turned off in anticipation of a hurricane, especially if it’s unlikely to be used. Any smell of leaking gas must be followed by an immediate switching off of the home’s main gas valve. A burst gas pipe could lead to highly toxic air inside the house and entails severe damage to life and property. 

  1. Beware of carbon monoxide poisoning

After a storm dissipates, there may be power outages lasting for a while. The use of generators is not uncommon. However, carbon monoxide (CO) is a threat that homeowners must watch out for when the use of generators is rampant. CO can replace the oxygen in the air quickly and can lead to suffocation and death. It is crucial to keep the generators at a safe distance from windows, doors, vents, and garages that are attached to the house. A CO detector comes in handy as it can raise an alarm before CO could pose a threat. 

  1. Use clean water

There is a likelihood of power loss after a hurricane. This means that the electronic filtration system that cleans the district or city’s water is non-operational. Therefore, the tap water is no more safe to drink, clean, or cook with. One of the main items on a hurricane preparedness checklist is storing bottled water. If the list has been followed, the availability of clean and safe water would not be an issue. 

  1. Avoid hazardous debris

After a hurricane, debris such as fallen trees, roof tiles, window panes, and many other materials pose a hazard. Sharp edges or rusty nails in these items can prove dangerous. If the debris has been spotted, it's advisable to steer clear of it and not take any risks, especially as all medical centers will be overwhelmingly crowded and busy. 

  1. Return home when it’s safe

Homeowners must return home after an evacuation only when it is deemed safe by the authorities. Stay updated about the evacuation procedures on local news channels, the status of the areas of concern, and the return of power. After a hurricane, returning to normal life takes time. 

  1. DIY repair

In case the homeowners remain in the house during the hurricane, they must check for damages and protect themselves and the house from any further harm. For instance, a broken window or a leaking roof can be temporarily repaired by the homeowners to the best of their ability. Any material procured for these repairs can be claimed during insurance. Keep a record of all the receipts of expenses made during this time.


  • SERVPRO uses state-of-the-art equipment to bring the damaged property back to its original state. SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant County is constantly updating its fleet and equipment so clients in Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, or anywhere else can quickly access the services. 
  • With over 1,700 US and Canadian Franchise locations, SERVPRO is strategically positioned to respond faster to an emergency of any magnitude.
  • The SERVPRO staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. They receive initial in-house training and constant skill up-gradation at the corporate training facility and also acquire the regular IICRC-industry certification.

For storm damage restoration, call SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant County today at (817) 595-2506 or e-mail at

SERVPRO suggests several measures business owners should consider in preparation for storm season

6/13/2021 (Permalink)

Blog summary: The SERVPRO article discusses the seven steps commercial property owners should take to reduce the impact of storms on their properties.

7 steps to protect commercial property from storms 

The damage caused by storms can be devastating to lives and businesses. But business owners can take certain measures before the storm arrives to avoid the worst-case scenario. 

SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant County shares some measures commercial property owners can take to mitigate the damage that storms can cause:

# 1 Review the insurance policy

Businesses evolve every year and so do their insurance needs. Working with an insurance provider to understand the current and requisite coverage needs of the business can save a lot of regret and money later. Knowing the limitations and benefits of the insurance will help take the necessary upgrades. Cross-checking the tenants’ mandatory insurance requirements and proofs would be advisable. 

# 2 Make a disaster preparedness plan

Disaster preparedness planning involves identifying organizational resources, determining roles and responsibilities, developing policies and procedures, and planning activities to reach a level of preparedness that allows timely and effective response in case a disaster occurs. 

This must be a documented action plan that everyone can refer to in the event of a storm. It can include instructions on outdoor preparation, such as storing all loose and therefore dangerous items, as well as protecting indoor property, such as computers and equipment.

# 3 Identify the threats

Every property has a vulnerable spot(s). Investing time to understand the various threats that storms can pose to a property is a worthwhile investment. This knowledge can lead to a well-researched and accurate plan that will help correct the vulnerabilities and mitigate the damage. 

Business owners can refer to the Flood Map Service Center (FEMA) to determine the probability and extent to which a property can experience damage from flooding and storm surges. It is usually a good idea to enlist the expertise of a licensed storm damage restoration company to inspect and maybe retrofit the property to enable enhanced protection from storms.

# 4 Plan in advance

In anticipation of the storm season, business owners can accomplish several tasks well in advance to save time and minimize stress:

  1. Employee contact list: Having a handy list of employees that can be easily accessed

outside the office can be very helpful during and after an emergency event. 

  1. Other contacts: A list can be compiled of other individuals or organizations that may need to be communicated with, such as major clients, insurance companies, suppliers, and contractors.
  2. Emergency communication strategy: Brainstorming and devising a customer-facing communications strategy for emergencies would be brilliant planning. This can prevent loss of customers during the emergency period and enable the team to directly update customers about the pre and post-storm plans.
  3. Insurance pictures: Detailed photos or videos of the property can prove extremely useful during insurance claims in case of storm damage. 

# 5 Stock emergency supplies

Unexpected storm incidents may lead to employees and other individuals being stuck at the premises. At the beginning of the storm season, it is wise to replenish the storm supply list. Non-perishable items; storm necessities such as batteries, portable radios, flashlights, and first-aid kits; and functional generators and fuel in case of power loss are some of the emergency supplies to stock to ensure support for those who may get stranded. 

# 6 Review last-minute tasks

Once a storm warning has been sounded, there are a series of tasks that can be done to mitigate the damage. Here are a few tasks the SERVPRO team recommends: 

  1. Clear drains, gutters, and downspouts to enable smooth drainage during the storm
  2. Secure or remove antennas or other movable objects on the roof
  3. Move displays and outdoor signs indoors
  4. Clear loose objects from desks and tabletops
  5. Remove wall hangings
  6. Protect important documents in a safe, elevated place
  7. Switch off and disconnect electrical appliances and equipment
  8. Close windows and board them up if required
  9. Lock up all the entrance points securely before exiting

 # 7 After the storm 

Once the storm is over, there are important steps that will need to be taken. Business owners must ensure that their employees or building managers have detailed instructions on the plan of action after the storm passes. 

For instance, if the property has suffered storm damage, a Disaster Recovery team such as SERVPRO must be contacted to assess the property before personnel is allowed back into the building. 


  • SERVPRO uses state-of-the-art equipment to bring the damaged property back to its original state. SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County is always updating its fleet and equipment so clients in Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, or anywhere else can quickly access the services. 
  • With over 1,700 US and Canadian Franchise locations, SERVPRO is strategically positioned to respond faster to an emergency of any magnitude.
  • The SERVPRO staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. They receive initial in-house training and constant skill up-gradation at the corporate training facility and also acquire the regular IICRC-industry certification.

For storm damage restoration, call SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County today at (817) 595-2506 or e-mail at

Tips For Assessing Wind and Water Roof Damage and Deciding When to Call in Professional Storm Damage Restoration Services

4/23/2021 (Permalink)

Blog Summary: The experts from SERVPRO provide a guide to visible and structural signs of roof damage due to water and wind after a storm. The tips detail the effect that storm winds and rain have on roof coverings and surfaces, and the importance of professional storm damage restoration to remedy the potential long-term deterioration.

Most roofs are designed to withstand severe weather for decades, but powerful winds and relentless rain take a toll during extreme storms. In Texas, storm damage restoration is an essential service. It is best to know what to do when signs of roof damage become obvious, and one place to start is with storm damage restoration professionals, like SERVPRO.

How to Identify Roof Damage and When to Get Storm Damage Restoration Services

Wind and water are major concerns when it comes to roof damage after a severe southern storm. However, the signs of wind or water damage are not always apparent to the naked eye. It is best to assess the condition of the roof regularly and look for these issues:

#1 Signs of Wind Damage

Authorities generally classify damaging winds as exceeding 50 miles per hour, and there are two types of damaging winds:

  • Rotational winds include the winds expected in tornadoes
  • Straight-line winds commonly arrive during severe thunderstorms or hurricanes

Severe winds also fall under the classification of gusts or sustained winds. While gusts damage the roof if shingles or gutters pull loose, the sustained (high) winds do the most damage to a home or business.

Inspecting a roof after a severe storm is crucial, especially if leaking or other signs appear once the weather clears. Missing shingles are an obvious sign of damage, and cracked or already peeling shingles will be at the most significant risk of ripping off when high winds approach. The roof and ceiling suffer serious damage when exposed to the elements this way. 

When a roof is new, it is not unusual to see the loss of granules from the roof following a storm. Granules rub off new shingles as the loose shingles flap in the wind. It creates horizontal lines of granule loss as the rubbing shingle comes into contact with other surfaces.

Visible water leakage is another sure sign of roof damage. Leaks will often appear in the ceiling of the building as patches or spreading dampness. When there are signs of leakage, it also indicates potential damage to the shingles and the roof’s underlayment. Severe deterioration may even result in rainwater flooding into the attic and upper rooms of the building.

#2 Signs of Water Damage

Moisture is a terrible aspect inside any residential or commercial building. It might be water driven into the building by the high winds or seeping moisture as a result of standing water. If left unchecked, this water damage can be destructive, unhealthy for the building’s occupants, and expensive to repair.

Damage to the roof may not be apparent but looking in areas where water pools after heavy rain is a good place to start. Pooling indicates an issue in that area of the roof. The storm damage restoration team will also check around any chimneys and vents that use flashing to keep out the rain.

When water floods surfaces like the floor or the wall insulation, mildew and mold may cause health effeects. Developing organic matter in these hard-to-reach places is an urgent matter, and water restoration companies like SERVPRO become a vital service.

Storm Damage Restoration Professionals at SERVPRO

SERVPRO of Grapevine provides high-quality commercial cleaning service and building restoration service throughout Tarrant County. They are also one of the top fire restoration companies and mold remediation companies in the region.

The services include:

  • commercial water damage, 
  • flood cleanup, 
  • fire damage restoration service, 
  • air duct cleaning service, 
  • water removal, 
  • water cleanup, and 
  • mold removal. 

Visit SERVPRO of Grapevine, TX, at 1670 Keller Pkwy. Ste 209, Keller, TX, 76248. Or contact their professionals at (817) 595-2506 for more information.

Storm Damage Restoration: What to Expect and Things to Avoid

3/8/2021 (Permalink)

Blog Summary: The experts at SERVPRO detail what to expect from storm damage restoration services in Keller, TX, and how to avoid more damage in the future.

A major storm can cause all manner of damage, but the lingering effects of flooding can be among the most severe. After the water drains away and surfaces begin to dry, the real flood clean-up begins.

Storm damage restoration and repair can be a daunting prospect. Understanding what to expect from the process and knowing what to avoid when preparing to hire a professional for clean-up and restoration will help make the entire storm damage restoration process less stressful. 

That’s why the friendly experts at SERVPRO of Grapevine and Northeast Tarrant county put together this list of things to know before hiring a storm damage restoration company.

Storm Damage Restoration: What to Expect and Things to Avoid

The first step in a storm damage restoration project is the initial evaluation and inspection. SERVPRO stresses the importance of hiring an experienced building restoration company for this process.

Two of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make when dealing with storm damage? Beginning to repair the damage before documenting it and trying to do everything themselves. Hiring a storm damage restoration contractor will not only make clean-up easier and safer but also ensure the insurance claims process goes smoothly.

Water Removal and Clean-up

Once the storm damage is properly documented for insurance purposes, the clean-up process can begin. The nature of the repair or restoration needed will depend on the type of damage to the building. Water damage after flooding, whether from flash floods or a storm surge, requires water removal using pumps. 

Once any water is removed, the restoration team will clean all the surfaces and take steps to reduce the humidity level in the space. Water clean-up can take a long time because the surface needs to be thoroughly dried before carpeting or flooring can be restored or reinstalled, but it should not be rushed. Even slightly increased moisture levels can lead to mold growth in the future. 

Mold Removal

In cases where mold has already taken hold, the clean-up will continue even after the water has been removed. There are many different varieties of fungi that can form on wood and floor surfaces. 

Many, such as black mold, can be hazardous to be around. Mold removal should only be done by a mold remediation technician who has the proper protective equipment and can safely and completely remove and clean the mold.

Always Call a Professional

Because of the potentially dangerous nature of storm damage restoration, it should not be attempted by anyone but a skilled technician. Water, fire, and mold restoration companies—or those that offer all the above—have the particular knowledge, tools, and skills to properly assess storm damage and provide the best suggestions and advice concerning the remediation and restoration of the site.


SERVPRO of Grapevine and Northeast Tarrant county provides 5-star service in the building restoration service industry. From commercial water damage, mold removal, and fire damage restoration services to air duct cleaning and commercial cleaning services, SERVPRO’s certified crew will get the job right. 

Contact SERVPRO at (817) 595-2506 for more information about storm damage restoration in Keller, Texas, and the surrounding communities.

Contact Information:

SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co.

1670 Keller Pkwy Ste 209
Keller, TX 76248

5 Hail Damage Signs and When to Request Professional Storm Damage Restoration

2/22/2021 (Permalink)

Blog Summary: SERVPRO of Grapevine provides advice on how to recognize hail damage, including five signs: soft spots, cracked shingles, dented gutters, pockmarked vents, and other damage. They also share when calling a storm damage restoration service in Grapevine, TX, is a good idea.

After any major storm, it's important to evaluate your roof's condition—hail storms especially. The friendly experts at SERVPRO have some tips for identifying hail storm damage and when you should call a professional storm damage company. 

SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co. is a leader in the storm damage restoration and water removal industry serving Grapevine and the surrounding area. Additional services provided are flood clean up, fire damage restoration services, mold removal, and air duct cleaning services. 

Ranking among the top storm and water restoration companies in the area, SERVPRO of Grapevine / NE Tarrant Co. prides itself on providing customers with the absolute best customer service.

5 Hail Damage Signs and When to Request Professional Storm Damage Restoration

Any hail that is 1/4" in diameter is sure to cause some roof damage. The larger the hail, the more severe the damage. Here are five signs of hail damage that, if left unchecked, could lead to even more costly repairs. If your home presents one or more of these signs, call a trusted storm damage restoration company to have the roof inspected and repaired.

  1. Soft Spots on Shingles. Soft or bald spots on shingles are indicators of roof damage after a hail storm. Check these spots for dampness, as that suggests water has started to soak into the roof.
  2. Dented or Cracked Shingles. Dented or cracked shingles are a sign of more severe damage. At this point, water can seep into the home's sub-roofing and start to cause structural damage and the formation of mold.
  3. Dented Gutters. Hail damage to gutters appears as dings and dents in the metal. These dents may also appear on flashing and around window frames. 
  4. Pockmarked Vents. Like finding dented gutters, vents that are pockmarked are also a sure sign of roof damage. Pockmarked vents can lead to cracks and holes that may allow the elements, or even wildlife, into the home.
  5. Damage Around the House.  Look for dented, cracked, or missing siding on the outside of your home. These signs, along with cracked or shattered windows, damaged window sills, or window casings, indicate damage to the home’s entire exterior, including the roof. Finding such damage usually means that one, if not all, of the above signs will be present as well.

Sometimes hail damage is easy to spot. Other times extensive damage may not be visible, lurking just beneath the surface of a roof.

The Importance of Storm Damage Restoration 

Prompt storm damage repair is essential to protect the home's roof and structure. Calling in a professional early can save time and money by catching water leaks early before they cause more damage or lead to mold or mildew problems.

Even if the damage to the roof looks insignificant, any water that enters the home has the potential to wreak havoc on unprotected wood, insulation, drywall, and much more.

SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co.'s highly trained technicians can handle all storm damage restoration needs and related services. They service both residential and commercial properties in and around Grapevine, TX.

For more details about their services, follow SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co.

 on Facebook, call (817) 595-2506, or fill out their online request form.

Contact information:

SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant Co.

1670 Keller Pkwy Ste 209

Keller, TX 76248

How Often Should You Be Replacing Your Roof?

10/7/2020 (Permalink)

When it comes to knowing how often you should replace your roof, there really isn’t any hard and fast rule. You have to keep an eye on its condition to be able to tell if you need to start thinking about it. If your roof is showing signs of damage, that could lead to major water or storm damage to the rest of your home. Our team wanted to share a few potential issues your roof may develop; any one of these may mean it’s time to replace your roof. 


An asphalt shingle roof should last between 20 and 30 years, so if you have a 40-year-old roof, just keep in mind that you will probably need to replace it entirely in the next 1-5 years.


Shingles can curl in two ways: by “cupping,” which happens when the edges of the shingles turn upward; and “clawing,” which is when the edges stay flat and the middle starts to come up. Both are signs of weathering and indicate that potential leaks may possibly be developing, depending on the extent. Every homeowner finds themselves replacing a missing shingle, but it can be just about impossible to get a new shingle to match the color of an old one. Granule colors have changed pretty significantly over the years, and shingle colors often change with years of weathering. If your roof is starting to look like a patchwork quilt, you may want to consider replacing it soon. 


Cracked shingles are typically caused by wind damage, and if the damage is extensive and not isolated to just one area, you should start thinking about replacing your roof within the next few years. 

Algae Or Moss

This is not a big deal when it shows up on your roof, but it doesn’t give your home or business a great look. You don’t want to take matters into your own hands by power washing or scraping it away since that will often chip off all the protective granules and essentially render your shingles useless. You can use a wash that's one part bleach and one part water to remove algae or moss, and if you do decide to replace your roof, consider tiles that are algae-resistant.


This issue is pretty obvious: if light can get in through your roof, so can rain. If you see any water stains during the next rainfalls, and if they spread or expand, you have an active leak, and it is time to contact SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County immediately to help remediate the water damage and potential mold growth.


A sagging roof is typically an indication of a structural issue and demands immediate attention. There could be a problem with the decking in the attic or with the supports in the foundation, which is even worse. You're not necessarily in imminent danger, but this is the kind of thing that's a lot easier to take care of when it's small and localized, so call your roofing professionals right away for this roofing issue. 

When it comes to replacing your roof, there is no hard and fast rule. If you are experiencing water damage, it is probably time. Remember that SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County is here to help if you are dealing with water damage, fire damage, or a mold infestation. We are committed to getting your business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned!

Getting Your North Texas Home Ready for Fall Season Storms

9/30/2020 (Permalink)

Getting your home ready for the colder temperatures and stormy weather conditions of fall is smart, whether you are a homeowner, a business owner, or both. Weather may be unpredictable during the fall here in North Texas, but you won’t have to worry about it if you prepare now. Here at SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County, we have some preparation projects for you to consider:

  • Remove dead leaves and debris from your gutters and drainpipes. This will prevent clogging during wetter weather. Drain all outdoor faucets ahead of freezing weather now, as well. 
  • While late summer is not the time to heavily prune trees and bushes, it is a good time to remove any branches that are dead or look like they could prove dangerous during a fall storm. If you have a tree that you think may be dead or dying, contact an arborist to come and take a look at it. If it is actually dead and near your house, you will want to have it removed before anything happens during a fall storm. 
  • Examine all your windows and doors for cracks. If you find any, have them sealed now so that you can stay warm and save energy this fall and winter. You’ll be saving both time and money here!
  • A roof inspection ahead of colder weather will tell you if your roofing needs any attention before fall storms. Loose shingles can be replaced more easily when it’s warm and dry outside. If you have siding on your home, look it over well for any loose sections; fall storms bring wind that can create problems here. 
  • Make sure your entrance walkways are in good shape with no buckling or crumbling. When the surrounding ground is wet it can compromise cement, causing it to crack and split, and that’s an accident just waiting to happen.

If you need help with the job of preparing your home for the upcoming stormy season, just call the professional team here at SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County. We have the experience and skills needed to take care of your property and belongings to keep them safe. We can get your home or business Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, too!

Manage Flood Damage in your North Texas Business

9/28/2020 (Permalink)

During storm season here in North Texas, your business may experience some damage from flooding. Here are some tips you can follow to manage flood damage in your Fort Worth business:

Safety First!

  • Do not enter the building until a professional has cleared it if you believe that it has been structurally damaged or if there a flood risk remains.
  • Do not go anywhere near downed power lines or any standing water or metal objects near these downed wires. Stay away from damaged trees, and do not wade into floodwaters.
  • Avoid using open flames, especially indoors. Keep a fire extinguisher handy.
  • Once the worst has passed, assess any and all damage that the building has received. Inspect every part of the property for possible destruction, including machinery, making sure to avoid standing water or using electricity. 
  • Do not climb onto your roof unless the building has been deemed structurally sound, and practice precaution when climbing and working on ladders.
  • If using a chainsaw to cut fallen or damaged trees or branches, take precautions to ensure they do not cause any more damage when they fall.
  • Remove any wet material, such as rugs or carpets, and properly dry them out to prevent mold from establishing itself. Dry your premises by opening windows and doors; it can be helpful to have fans running if it can be done safely. 
  • You are at risk for mold within the first 24-48 hours following a flood, so it is vital to remove the water as soon as possible and start remediation. Flooding poses a risk to drywall, support beams, and foundations, as well, and floodwater can also contain dangerous contaminants and sewage so it must be avoided.
  • Keep track of everything that was destroyed or damaged in the storm by documenting it through photos or videos along with putting together a list of broken items. You will need this list for insurance purposes.

If your business has experienced a flooding event, contact SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County as soon as possible. Here at SERVPRO, our focus is your safety and we are here to offer our professional help for water damage, fire damage, and mold remediation. We have years of experience in these areas and we are happy to help!

How to Manage Storm Damage Before Professional Help Arrives

9/18/2020 (Permalink)

Dallas home with Tornado damage

Especially in North Texas, the thunderstorms that come rolling across the city can cause severe damage, leaving homes and businesses upset and at risk in their wake. Coming home to an uprooted or fallen tree (or two) can inflict costly damage, particularly if you don’t know how to ensure it doesn’t get worse before it can be properly cleaned up. That’s why it’s important to know how to manage storm damage before professional help arrives.

Storm damage comes in all shapes and sizes—it doesn’t fit into one clear box, but there are a few general steps to take to manage storm damage immediately after it happens:

  1. Don’t Go Outside Until You Hear the Okay

Whenever severe storms, tornadoes, or other natural disasters have watches or warnings around you, take caution! Make sure you monitor your radio and your phone to hear the okay to leave your home when the threat of the storm has passed. Your safety and well-being always should come first.

  1. Document the Damage

Before doing anything else, take out your phone and snap pictures of all the damage. This is essential to make any insurance claims on property damage that you have sustained due to a storm. By having photos of the damage before any cleanup has occurred, you’re more likely to be able to claim the maximum amount of coverage from your insurance that you can in order to cover the costs.

  1. Cover Any Areas Where More Water Could Enter

If your roof or home has any holes or damage that allows water to continue to enter your home, make sure you cover them to the best of your ability with a tarp or something else to prevent more water from entering. Chances are, rain may still be pouring down after you sustain some storm damage, and you never know when it may start up again even if it has stopped.

  1. Remove Excess Water

Is your basement now a mini-ocean? Do your best to remove any excess water you can by the bucketful or with a shop-vac. However, don’t attempt to do this until you are certain that there is no electrical damage and you aren’t at risk of your power channeling itself through the standing water. 

In all that you do after storm damage occurs, be sure to take caution and keep your safety in mind first and foremost. Once you have the time and signal to do so, call a local professional restoration company like SERVPRO of Grapevine/Northeast Tarrant County to get your place looking back to normal. You can reach us at 817-595-2506.

A Little Waterlogged? We Can Help!

2/12/2020 (Permalink)

How much rain did you get in your city? Here in Grapevine we got well over one inch of rain, and not going to lie – I was a little waterlogged coming into work today! Our phones have been ringing off the HOOK with water losses coming in from all over: from Southlake to Keller! We have teams waiting on standby too, just in case anything happens, whether it’s a small 1,000 square foot apartment, to a big 100,000 square foot warehouse! And it doesn’t matter if the source of water is all this rain or if it’s a burst pipe, we’ve got the equipment to help you out.

So, give us here at SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County a call today at 817.595.2506 and we can be on your way to help you with whatever happens.

Are You Prepared For The 2020 Storm Season?

2/5/2020 (Permalink)

Well, that was a little lackluster, wasn’t it? I was promised snow, SNOW people! But, I suppose that can be expected with Fort Worth. At least we got to see some snow back in January! However, we aren’t quite out of the clear yet for severe weather, especially with spring coming up! It’s important to make sure that your home is well prepared for the rainy season we have ahead of us. Make sure your roof is in tip top shape, especially after today’s “ice” storm, and all of your windows and doors are fully sealed to make sure no water can get in. It’s a good idea to inspect your attic too, just in case there’s some water damage you hadn’t noticed before.

This storm season, if you find yourself blown over, let us pick you back up. Give us a call at 817.595.2506 today.

Fort Worth Weather Update - 10/21

10/21/2019 (Permalink)

Well, it was a pretty active night last night in the DFW area! Thunderstorms marched across the metroplex and produced storms with hail up to quarter sized, and up to THREE tornadoes with the biggest and most destructive one hitting in North Dallas.

While we needed the rain, and it was nice to go to sleep to last night (with the exception of out where I live – there were sirens) we definitely did not need the damage. Reports of damage stretch for miles including roofs torn off buildings, down powerlines – leaving thousands without power, down tree limbs and more.

Closer to home here in Fort Worth, we are packing up and rolling out to those affected in our neck of the woods. We can handle it all, from fires started by lightning and leaks caused by roof damage.  We are preparing for more weather expected to get severe come Thursday night into Friday morning with lows dipping down into the 60s.

If your home or business has been affected by the recent storms, give us a call today at 817.595.2506!

Weekly Weather Update for Fort Worth, Texas - 9/04

9/4/2019 (Permalink)

Dorian is hitting the East coast as we speak, and according to our meteorologist at SERVPRO headquarters, it has been one of the weirdest and hardest Hurricanes to predict. We are on standby, ready to roll out to go help those in need as soon as they call us. But in the meantime, we are here in Texas braving another heat wave.

Yes, I said another.

Last week’s rain and temperatures dipping into the mid to low 80s was definitely a tease for fall! This week, however, we can expect to be back into the hundreds by Friday (insert groaning here). I don’t know about you, but I’m personally ready for fall weather. I’m ready to snuggle under some blankets on a rainy Sunday Morning and watch The Shining. But I digress. We should be back into the mid to low 90s by next week, with a slight chance of thunderstorms by the end of the week.

If your Fort Worth home has been hit by unexpected water or storm damage, give us a call today at 817.595.2506!

Weekly Weather Update for Fort Worth, TX - 8/26/19

8/26/2019 (Permalink)

The Atlantic hurricane season has officially begun! In fact, it began June 1st! Our newest storm is Tropical Storm Dorian, which right now is projected to hit the Windward Islands tonight. A hurricane watch has even been issued for that part of the Caribbean. While the forecast is uncertain, it’s expected to make landfall in Florida by the weekend.

But what does that mean for back here in North Texas? Well unless it completely swings west, there’s a very little chance of the storm to make landfall here. However, that doesn’t mean we’re out of the clear for some wet weather!

Today is our last 100-degree day, with a heat advisory in effect until 7pm tonight, and tomorrow is going to bring some cooler weather and rain! The forecasted high for tomorrow is 84 with a 40% chance of scattered thunderstorms, the evening hours into Wednesday bring us the highest chance at Thunderstorms at 50% with the highs getting into the 86.

The rest of the week is pleasant, with temperatures reaching into the low 90s by the weekend.

As always, we are “Here to Help!” Give us a call today at 817.595.2506!

Flash Flood Watch, 5.2.19

5/2/2019 (Permalink)

The flash flood watch for Tarrant County has been extended until Friday, May 3rd at 12 AM. Rain fall totals are already high and with saturated ground, an additional 1-2 inches could spell out disaster. It’s important to stay weather aware for not only flash flooding but also for possible thunderstorms and tornadoes. Keep an eye on the weather channels, most of them will offer live streams of weather coverage and radar maps on their Facebook pages. You can also download the NBC Weather App or the NOAA app from your app store on your phone to get coverage on the go.

If you are out on the go, remember to turn around and don’t drown. If it looks deep, it probably is. Heed warning signs, and make sure to stay away from windows and doors in case a severe storm rolls through your area.

If you’ve been affected by a severe storm this week, give us a call at 817.595.2506!

Weather Related Allergies?

2/8/2019 (Permalink)

When it comes to the weather in North Texas, we get some extremes. Extreme heat, tornadoes, rains. You name it, we have it. That includes extreme cases of allergies too. With the spring storm season coming up, we are going to get a TON of rain, and rain can cause flooding which causes mold.

But people often forget about another side of the weather. Something that affects most of us every single day. Allergies. Usually during the spring and fall seasons my allergies are going absolutely nuts! Besides the usual allergy medicine that I try and combat them with, I usually check out’s allergy tracker that you can find here.

This handy dandy tracker will tell you what pollen is the worst, will tell you what the mold spore level is, and will even tell you what the outlook is for allergies for the next week. It will also give you a handy tool to help you adjust your thermostat to the most ideal humidity level to keep you feeling comfortable.

If you’ve got any time of damage whether it’s storm or water give us a call today at 817.595.2506!

Polar Vortex? No Problem!

2/6/2019 (Permalink)

Just last week a massive polar vortex decided to swing down and affect much of the northern part of the United States. We knew the franchises up there would need a little help with the inevitable water losses that would be coming in! When you have a big freeze and a sudden thaw like we saw up north, it can cause a whole lot of burst pipes. We are a certified Large Loss Response Team, so we’re able to handle large situations that normal franchises can’t handle.

So, Dakota – our production manager – packed up with some of our team last week and headed out! We brought our HUGE 26 foot truck filled to the brim with equipment, along with some other vehicles to help out those in need up north.

Whatever the disaster, we are always ready to help. Give us a call today at 817.595.2506!

A Very Wet February For Grapevine

2/1/2019 (Permalink)

Temperatures are on the rise here in North Texas, and while it wasn’t as cold as the rest of the country here, we did see some cooler temperatures. The next few days are supposed to be nice with a high of 77 degrees, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t stay vigilant. It’s late winter, early spring here in Texas and that’s our rainy season.

We see most of our business come in during this time here at SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County, and we have a feeling that this season is going to be no different. The next few weeks are supposed to be full of rain, making February a very wet month. It’s a good idea to waterproof your home. Inspect your roofs to make sure there is no damage from the winter or the previous storm season, pack sand bags for low laying areas, inspect your window seals, and review your insurance policy to see what it covers and what it doesn’t.

If you find yourself facing storm damage this spring, give SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County a call at 817.595.2506 today!

Temperatures are on the rise here in North Texas, and while it wasn’t as cold as the rest of the country here, we did see some cooler temperatures. The next few days are supposed to be nice with a high of 77 degrees, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t stay vigilant. It’s late winter, early spring here in Texas and that’s our rainy season.

We see most of our business come in during this time here at SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County, and we have a feeling that this season is going to be no different. The next few weeks are supposed to be full of rain, making February a very wet month. It’s a good idea to waterproof your home. Inspect your roofs to make sure there is no damage from the winter or the previous storm season, pack sand bags for low laying areas, inspect your window seals, and review your insurance policy to see what it covers and what it doesn’t.

If you find yourself facing storm damage this spring, give SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County a call at 817.595.2506 today!

Spring Storm Checklist

1/15/2019 (Permalink)

It may only be January, but in North Texas that means that the spring storm season is just around the corner. Because of that we need to prepare our homes for the upcoming spring from the fall and winter. For me, when starting big projects like this, it’s always better to get a head start and do things a little at a time over the weekends.

We know that spring weather in North Texas can bring a whole lot of rain and with that comes a whole lot of water damage. Here are some helpful tips to make sure your home is waterproof for the upcoming storm season.

  • Make sure to inspect your roof to make sure no there is no damage from last years storm season. Be sure to get it fixed ASAP if there is any damage to prevent more costly damage in the future.
  • Clean your gutters of leaves and other debris to prevent overflowing. While cleaning, do an inspection of your gutters and be sure to replace or repair any damages.
  • Inspect your windows and doors and make sure to repair anything that might cause water damage during the spring storm season.
  • Make sure to read up on your flood insurance policies if you have any.

If you do have any storm damage this spring, give Grapevine/NE Tarrant County a call at 817.595.2506!

The Difference Between El Niño and La Niña

10/22/2018 (Permalink)

You may have heard the terms “El Niño” and “La Niña” before, but do you know what they mean? These terms are used to describe oscillating weather patterns that affect the area of the globe that contains the United States. While these events usually only last for about a year, they can sometimes span multiple years. They typically appear ever 2-7 years. El Niño refers to a period of warming in the Pacific Ocean and typically occurs over the winter season. It is categorized by higher than average temperatures and rainy, wet conditions throughout the Gulf Coast area and drier than average conditions in the Ohio Valley and Pacific Northwest. This event usually occurs more frequently than La Niña. La Niña is the opposite of El Niño. This weather pattern is characterized by colder temperatures on the ocean surface, greater chances for tornadoes, and below average temperatures in the northwest United States. Typically, we expect La Niña to follow closely behind El Niño, but this does not always happen. Knowing which weather pattern to expect can help you be prepared and prevent disaster. If your home or commercial building suffers from storm damage call us at 817.595.2506!

Flooding Advisory - Tarrant County

10/19/2018 (Permalink)

Is it just me, or have you been feeling a little water logged with this week’s weather too? Even with a break yesterday, it seems like we will be underwater forever. Especially with the two types of advisories we are under today! (But don’t worry, we’ll be dry by next weekend.)

First, we’ve got a flash flood watch in effect until 10pm tonight. Which means stay very vigilant. Because we’ve had so much rain over the last week, any rainfall we get today will quickly overwhelm creeks, storm drains, and other areas that have an already high run-off rate. Monitor the weather and take immediate action if a flash flood warning is issued for your area.

Next, we’ve got a flood advisory in effect for Tarrant County. Because of all the rain, areas with poor drainage or are low lying will experience some flooding. Be sure to stay weather aware and turn around, don’t drown!

Finally, we’ve got a hydrologic statement, which means that there has been a significant amount of rain, and it could mean imminent danger to life, property, and the environment. In this case, the West Fork Trinity River in Lake Worth is near flood stage. Take caution around riverbanks, and obviously do not drive cars through flooded areas near the river.

If you’ve been affected by the recent rains here in Tarrant County, give SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County a call today at 817.595.2506!  

10/9/2018 Tarrant County Storm Update

10/9/2018 (Permalink)

Bless the rains down in Texas! It’s a rainy day here in Tarrant County – we’ve already seen a River Flood Warning get issued, and a special statement regarding a Thunderstorm with heavy down pours, lightning, and gusty winds. And we’re forecasted for more rain into this afternoon and this evening.

With all this rain, it’s important to remember that safety is number one. Remember to turn around, and don’t drown. If you can’t see while you’re driving, it’s okay to pull over to a safe spot with your hazards on and wait for the rain to pass. It’s better to arrive alive!

If you find your home or business has sustained water damage from the rain, give us a call! We here at SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County at 817.595.2506 and we can definitely help to make sure your home is returned to “Like It Never Even Happened,” and you don’t have the threat of secondary damage like wood swelling or mold to deal with.

Flood Watches & Warnings: What's the Difference?

9/26/2018 (Permalink)

With as much rain as we’ve been getting lately here in North Texas it’s important to know the difference between flood watches, and warnings and advisories as well as the difference between a flash flood and a regular flood.

Let’s start off with a flash flood versus a regular flood. A flash flood occurs when there is heavy or excessive rainfall in a short amount of time – usually in less than six hours. Usually these types of rains can overwhelm storm drains and rise quickly, causing raising torrents.

A flood happens when water overflows the confines of a stream or river, or in low-lying areas onto normally dry land.

Now that we know what the difference between the two types of flooding are, let’s move onto the warning and watches.

A flood warning means flooding is happening in your area, and you should immediately take action and move to higher ground or a higher level in your home.

If you’re under a flood watch, it’s just like a tornado or thunderstorm watch. It means that the conditions are favorable for flooding and we should be ready should flooding happens.

In a flash flood warning, you should react immediately, usually there will be an alert that sounds off on your phone warning you of the flash flood. Flash floods happen quickly – usually within a matter of a few minutes to a few hours, which means you need to move to higher ground as quickly as possible. If you don’t see it, that does not mean it’s not there.

If your home has suffered flood damage from the recent rains, give us a call here at SERVPRO of  Grapevine/NE Tarrant County at 817.595.2506!

Severe Thunderstorm Watch - 5/3/18

5/3/2018 (Permalink)

A serve thunderstorm watch has been issued for North Central Texas including Tarrant County until 2PM today including the following areas: Collin, Dallas, Denton, Eastland, Ellis, Erath, Fannin, Hood, Hunt, Jack, Johnson, Kaufman, Navarro, Palo, Pinto, Parker, Rockwall, Somervell, Stephens, Tarrant, Wise and Young.

Hazards include strong winds, hail, flooding, and a potential for tornadoes. Stay indoors and away from windows and doors. Stay weather aware with a weather app such as the NOAA weather app, make sure your mobile devices are charged. Stay tuned to your TV as well. If there is flooding, avoid driving through it. Avoid down power lines.

Keep an eye on the radar here.

If you do sustain storm damage to your home, give SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County a call! We answer our phones twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week!

What To Do When Storm Damage Occurs in Grapevine, TX

3/9/2018 (Permalink)

Here at SERVPRO in Grapevine and N.E. Tarrant County, we know a thing or two about what the phrase “Spring Weather” means to us. It means a whole lot of rain, thunderstorms, lightning, hail and even tornadoes. We know what to do DURING a storm, but what do we do after the storm? Here are some helpful tips to get yourself back on track after a storm hits.

  1. You and your family’s safety is the number one goal. Watch out for safety hazards such as broken glass, and exposed nails. If dealing with flood waters be sure to wear protective clothing including boots, gloves, eye protection and masks as flood waters can carry sewage, bacteria, and other dangers. Stay away from downed powerlines. Be sure to use a flashlight instead of a candle when inspecting your home at night.
  2. When it’s safe to do so, document your damage. This will help when filing your insurance claim. Be sure to take photos and videos of your entire property – from multiple angles. Take photos of both the exterior and interior.
  3. If you have flooding, water extraction is the most important step to restoring your home. By choosing SERVPRO of Grapevine and N.E. Tarrant County you can be sure that the water extraction will be handled quickly and professionally. Our professionals can evaluate your belongings to see if they can be cleaned and restored.

SERVPRO of Grapevine and N.E. Tarrant County takes storm clean up seriously. We will make sure you are back on your feet in no time. Give us a call, 24/7 at 817.595.2506!

Thunderstorm Preparedness

2/9/2018 (Permalink)

Thunderstorm Preparedness

All thunderstorms are dangerous and produce lightning. On average lightning kills 51 people and injures hundreds more in the US each year. Dangers associated with thunderstorms include strong winds, flash flooding, hail, and even tornadoes.

To prepare for a thunderstorm:

  • Trim or remove tree limbs near your home. Remove any dead or rotting trees.
  • Secure outdoor items.
  • Postpone or cancel outdoor activities.
  • Go inside - if you can't reach a building, get in a hard-top vehicle.
  • Secure doors and windows. Close blinds, curtains, or shutters.
  • Unplug electronics.

When a thunderstorm occurs:

  • Remember this phrase: "When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors". Go inside during thunderstorms.
  • Listen to a battery-operated radio such as a NOAA Weather Radio for updates and information.
  • Unplug electronics and appliances to prevent damage from lightning-caused power surges.
  • Water conducts electricity. Water-based activities and chores should be avoided during a thunderstorm.
  • Windows, porches, and doorways can be dangerous in storms - stay inside.
  • If you can't get inside, try to avoid natural lightning rods - like a large tree in an open field, and try not to be the tallest thing on a hill, open field, or beach.
  • Try not to touch metal - including your car - metal conducts electricity.
  • Stay in your car if you're driving. Pull over and turn on your hazard lights until heavy rain ends.

 After the storm passes:

  • Never drive through a flooded roadway. Turn around, don't drown!
  • Stay away from storm-damaged areas.
  • Listen to a NOAA Weather Radio or local radio and television stations for updated information or instructions.
  • Help people who may require special assistance, such as infants, children and the elderly or those with access or functional needs.
  • Stay away from downed power lines and report them immediately.
  • Keep a close eye on your pets to keep them safe.

The professionals at SERVPRO of Grapevine and NE Tarrant County are highly trained and certified. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO's Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, our Professionals are equipped with the knowledge they need to help with any water or fire loss.

SERVPRO of Grapevine and NE Tarrant County


We are here to help 24/7!

Grapevine, TX Spring Weather

2/8/2018 (Permalink)

Residential lightning strike in the kitchen. Grapevine, Texas

Quick Response plus High Standards

equals SERVPRO

Spring is around the corner and we all know what that means here in North Texas: Thunderstorms, high winds, hail, lightning strikes and possible tornadoes.

When these types of weather events happen, it means possible property destruction and loss for many residents in the DFW Metroplex and surrounding counties. This can be very devastating to you as the homeowner and your family. Following a severe storm which may include: high winds, damaging hail and lightning, these can cause major damage to your home both structurally and with the exterior. It is very important to have the damage inspected. SERVPRO is here to help you during this time.

By choosing SERVPRO of Grapevine and NE Tarrant County you will receive local support with personal care for your situation. Here at SERVPRO we are ready for whatever happens.
We use state of the art equipment that will clean your home and help ease you and your family’s peace of mind. SERVPRO technicians are qualified and highly trained with Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IIICRC). We work side by side with your insurance company, insuring that communication about the handling of your home is done to your satisfaction and in a timely manner. We work hard to make it “Like It never even happened.” Your satisfaction is our goal.

*Call SERVPRO of Grapevine and NE Tarrant County at (817) 595-2506 to schedule an inspection with our trained and qualified technicians.

Winter Storm Advisory for North Texas

2/6/2018 (Permalink)

Winter Storm Liam:

Winter weather advisories for the threat of snow, freezing rain and sleet have also been issued from North Texas and Eastern Oklahoma into the Ohio Valley and mid-Atlantic. At this time, winter weather advisories are not in effect for the downtown neighborhoods of Dallas-Fort Worth, but are in effect for the northern suburbs. 

Winter Storm Preparedness: Prevent Frozen Water Pipes

Winter storms don’t happen very often in Dallas; however, cold weather does come to town. That being said,

The National Severe Storms Laboratory categories a winter storm as having snow, sleet, or freezing rain. In North Texas we can see any of this type of precipitation. When the temperature is below freezing, and precipitation is in the forecast, SERVPRO of Grapevine and N.E. Tarrant County knows what types of calls to expect: water damages.

How Water Pipes Freeze and Break

A water damage during a winter storm happens when your pipes freeze. When water freezes, it expands and creates pressure inside the pipe, which can cause it to break.  The pipes that are most likely to freeze are those outside the home that are exposed.  Other vulnerable pipes are those indoors that don’t have access to heat, like those under your kitchen cabinets or in the garage.

Indoor Frozen Pipe Prevention

Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses. Detaching the hose allows water to drain from the pipe. Otherwise, a single hard, overnight freeze can burst either the faucet or the pipe it's connected to.

Insulate pipes or faucets in unheated areas. If you have pipes in an unheated garage or cold crawl space under the house, wrap the water pipes before temperatures plummet. Hardware or building supply stores will have good pipe wrapping materials available.

Allow steady water flow. In some places you're advised to leave a steady drip or pencil-lead-thin stream of water flowing from a bathroom faucet during the worst of a cold spell.

SERVPRO of Grapevine and N.E. Tarrant County 817-595-2506

Grapevine/NE Tarrant County, Let's Be Storm Ready!

10/27/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County knows that severe weather can happen anywhere at anytime. According to the National Weather Service Storm Ready website, every year Americans cope with an average of the following:

  • 2 landfalling deadly hurricanes
  • 5,000 floods or flash floods
  • 1,000 tornadoes
  • 10,000 severe thunderstorms

Of all the presidentially declared disasters, roughly 98% of them are weather related. This leads to about 500 deaths per year and close to 15 billion dollars in damage.  Knowing the risk of severe weather, taking preemptive measures helps you be better prepared when disaster strikes.

Asses Your Risk

  • First, understanding the types of hazardous weather that is possible where you live and work and the possible impact it could have on you, your family and your business is key to being weather-ready.

Take Action

  • Making a communication plan for your home and business is the next step in being prepared for severe weather in your area. Having an emergency kit on hand is a good thing, so is making sure you have important documents and anything valuable in a safe place.

If your home or business is ever affected by severe weather SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County is always here to help! Call us any time, day or night, our phones are answered 24 hours a day / 7 days a week!


When a Storm Hits SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County is Ready!

10/27/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Grapevine/NE Tarrant County specializes in storm and flood damage restoration. Out technicians are highly trained and certified to use specialized equipment to restore your damaged property to the condition it was in prior to being affected by the storm.

Faster Response

We are locally owned and operated, because of this, we are able to respond faster with the right resources which is critical when water damage has occurred. A fast response decreases the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of over 1,700 Franchises, and elite Disaster Recovery Teams across the country.

Have Storm Damage? Call us Today!
